Incheon, Republic of Korea - 25 Sep 2014

Last week UN-APCICT launched its publication “Getting Started with Social Media Tools in Government” a practical guide that presents “how-to” steps for setting and managing social media tools and technologies in government.


Recognizing the need to build the capacities of government officials to enable them to use social media for socio-economic development, the United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (UN-APCICT) launched its publication “Getting Started with Social Media Tools in Government” on the third week of September.

A supplement to UN-APCICT’s Module 11 of the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders (attachment) on Social Media for Development, this publication is a practical guide that presents “how-to” steps for setting and managing social media tools and technologies in government. As an introductory guide, it aims to provide government officials with a basic understanding of the functions of common social media to enable them to utilize social media for the improvement of the delivery of public services and governance processes.

The publication can be accessed at the attachment.
